Renascence New Cover Reveal!

Hola word nerds! Guess frickin’ what?! At long last, ALL of my books now have professional covers! Behold~ Renascence’s gorgeous new cover!

How absolutely beautiful is that? My illustrator knocked it out of the park once again!

Here is the original for comparison:

Although I did pretty good with the original considering my lack of experience, I’m VERY happy to finally be rid of it because it’s just ugh ~ some of you may understand why!

Along with the incredible cover upgrade, there are also a couple of other updates as well. 1) I scoured the manuscript for errors that might’ve slipped past edits and fixed any I found. 2) I revamped the map of the Tribes, which I’m especially excited about. The original one was very obviously amateurish and to be honest, not good quality. I’m quite pleased with how the new one turned out.

As mentioned in my new cover reveal post for Dragons’ Myth, I had said my current priority had been publishing book #8 this year, but thanks to my freelancing work and the quote for a new DMR cover, I had enough money to get that instead. An update for book #8 will be posted in the coming days.

As always, if you’d like to support my writing endeavours and want me to be able to publish books faster, there are many ways you can help:

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Thank you in advance to anyone who chooses to support my books, and those who already do!

Link to buy Renascence:

Ciao for now!

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